January 2019 - Mighty Tigers Band
As a member of the 2003-04 Muskegon Heights High School Band, under the leadership of Robert Moore, I was blessed to have participated in some great events. The band taught me about leadership, teamwork, and discipline. As we have watched our beloved school and city transform for the worst, I was saddened to learn that the school no longer had a band years ago.
However, Darrin McCall, a friend and schoolmate of mine, changed that. He has since returned and is impacting the lives of the students in Muskegon Heights. Like any organization that supports and uplifts it's young residents, they are in need of financial help.
I teamed up with Darrin to make it easier for the band to receive donations. Together we created, mightytigersband.wordpress.com. Please visit to learn more about the band, see pictures and videos, find out where they're performing next, and to DONATE.