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Mar 2018 - March For Our Lives

As an adult, parent, and tax paying citizen of the United States, we as a country are failing miserably at protecting our children. If Sandy Hook was not enough to shift the narrative about gun control, I honestly don't know what it's going to take. The Parkland shooting was another painful reminder that we have a serious problem, It's unnerving knowing that we have to send our children to school and worry about them being shot to death. This is a very complex issue but we need to start tackling it. The Parkland students have done a great job of doing the ground work. And I support them 100%. My March 2018 donation is going to them.

Visit for more information about their efforts.

Sign the petition at especially if you are unable to donate.

Join the march on 3/24 in DC or other events around the country.

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